Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Questions to Help You Explore an Issue

Here are some exploratory questions for you to ask yourself that might help you see your way forward in your own life:

Choose an issue in your own life you would like to explore...

Who are all of the other people involved in this issue?

What other areas of my life are affected by this issue?

What developmental stages am I going through now in my life?

What developmental stages are the other people involved with this issue experiencing?

What about this issue might be dangerous/hazardous… to me/other(s)… in what ways?

Who believes what about this issue?
What do I believe?
What do the other(s) believe?

Examine each of the beliefs: which are good and true and useful? To whom?

Which of these beliefs (my own/other(s)) are stereotypes… which are assumptions?

How is the way I am dealing with the situation helping ME?
(I am always helped in some way or other by the way I deal with things)

Who else is helped by the way I am dealing with the situation?

How is the way I am dealing with this issue hindering ME?
(I am always hindered in some way or other by the way I deal with things)

Who else is hindered, and in what way, by the way I am dealing with this issue?

In what way may the “helping” not be helpful?

In what way may the “hindering” not be hindering?

What other alternatives have I tried? With what results? For whom?

Do I persist with methods that do not work for me/other(s)? Why?

The more I … (fill in the blank) the more… (fill in the blank).

The less I… the less…

What are the effects of the way I am handling things? On me? On other(s)?

How are these consequences what I want?

How are they what I do not want?

Are they useful to anyone? Is this what I want?

What would I be busy with right now if I weren’t dealing with this issue?

What is the positive in this situation?
(There is always something positive – not always desirable to me and/or others).

What is the negative in the situation?
(There is always something negative – also not always desirable to me/others).

How can I turn my less effective words/actions/thoughts into more effective ones?

What am I gaining by holding my position on this issue?

What am I losing by maintaining my position on this issue?

Given a choice:
1. Carry on in the same way
2. Do/think/say something different/differently
3. Find out and deal with the underlying issues

Which alternative will I/do I choose? Why?

Will this change be a change towards/away from more effective living? Why?

Can I do it on my own?
Do I need help?
Who might be able to help me?

How will I go about getting help (if I need it)?

Where do I see a start/continuation to my journey in a different direction?

When will I make a change?

What might be stopping me from making a change?

What can I do about an obstacle to turn it into a stepping stone?

I will continue to explore until I begin to see the path forward.
I will take one step at a time as long as I feel, through the promptings of the Spirit, that it is the right step to take in this circumstance at this time with the resources that are mine.

On your marks… get set… GROW!

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