Friday, February 20, 2009

The Art of Friendship

Friendships are important in our lives.
Friends may be like us or dissimilar and may be good and valuable friends for many reasons.
Learn and nurture your own Art of Friendship.

Evaluate yourself
A = Always, S = Sometimes, N = Never

Am I a good and worthwhile friend?

I keep promises
I do not criticise friends behind their back
I return things I borrow
I lend willingly to my friends
I stand up for a friend who is being criticised
I say "Thank You" when a friend is helpful
I apologise when I let down or inconvenience a friend
I listen to my friend's troubles
I do some meaningful things for my friend
I can keep my friend's confidences

How do I converse?

I can, and sometimes do, take the iniative in greeting people
I think in advance of things to say
I volunteer information about what I have been doing, thinking, feeling, watching or reading
I can, and sometimes do, express my differering opinion
I ask other people questions/for their opinion
I listen thoughtfully to their responses without interrupting
I draw shy people into the conversation
I say aloud when I agree with what someone has said
I say what part of the expressed sentiment I agree with even if I disagree with other parts of that they have said
I can, and do, tease and joke in an appropriate friendly way


I am realising:

At present I am a person who has close/casual/many/few friends.
I am happy/dissatisfied with this situation.
I could improve the quality of my friendshipping by remembering to…
What I seem to like most in a friend is…
If I remain as I am now, I might stay an unsatisfactory friend because…
On the other hand I am already a good/satisfactory friend because...

Do something constructive about your friendships today and every week.

1 comment:

  1. I believe strongly in working at maintaining friendships. I think having friends is very important in having a rewarding happy life for both sides of the friendship.However, one must remember all the points in your post and keep in touch with friends by helping them and playing with them.
