Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The "Box" Exercize

Get two smallish boxes - decorate them both beautifully: one in dark, the other in light colours.

Answer the following questions.
Put your answers on pieces of paper - one paper per question and answer.

What have been my greatest joys in the past?
What are among my greatest joys right now?
What joys am I looking forward to in my future?
What have been my worst fears in my past?
What are my greatest fears right now?
What do I imagine will be some of my greatest fears in my future?
What helped me to feel peaceful in my past?
What promotes peaceful feelings in my life right now?
What might bring me peacefulness in my future?
What angered me in my past?
What angers me now?
What is likely to anger me in my years ahead?
When did I feel competent, confident, cheerful, in the past?
What are my experiences of feeling powerful in my present?
What are likely to be the reasons I might feel accepted and respected in my future?
What setbacks have I had in my past?
What setbacks have I had in the recent past or am I experiencing right now?
What setbacks might I have to deal with in my future?

Sort your answers into the two boxes:
light and lovely reminiscences into the light box, dark and difficult subjects into the dark box.

When you want to, or when you need to do some inner work, take out one of the slips in the box the opposite of what you are feeling:

If you are feeling gloomy, take out a slip of paper in the gorgeous light and bright box;
if you are feeling really chuffed with yourself, draw a slip from the darkly beautiful box.

Ask yourself as you read:
What can I do about this?
Does this have any message or added insight for me right now?
Write your answers on another piece of paper and paste the two together in a journal or scrapbook. Decorate with drawings, photos, cuttings or words, whatever feels right to you.

Add to your dark and light boxes as you want to.

You do not have to deal with or process most things in your life right away -
do "your Work" when you feel able to, or when you discover you need to.

Do your emotional growing by yourself,with a buddy, or professional.
Talk to yourself. Listen to yourself. Learn to increasing Trust Yourself.

"The headlines are screaming all sorts of trial and tribulation…"
"This is the condition under which I live at present… 'this' does not define me, or my whole life."

What will help me live my best way possible for now - day to day, hour to hour - sometimes minute by minute?

Be realistic and practical. "Try a little scrubbing or sweeping (ordinary household duties)."

"Keep a lid on your temper and self pity."

Write your 'stories' as they arise on a piece of paper and put them in one of the boxes.

Acknowledge your dark and light feelings. Deal with them when it is appropriate - when it suits you - when you have the courage and will seek the resources you need.

Ask for help, and get it. Do not be stuck in the "moods" and "mud" - or the "glitz" and "glory" for that matter! - of life for longer than a week or two.

Life is real. Life is whole. Enjoy the darks and the lights, the dulls and the brights of the tapestry of YOUR whole, beautiful life.

With thanks to A. van Dyk for some of the ideas - The "Saturday Star"

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