Sunday, May 27, 2012


An observation by physicist Niels Bohr:

“There are trivial truths and great truths.
The opposite of a trivial truth is plainly false.
The opposite of a great truth is also true.”

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Live Deeply

Embrace new experiences:

go beyond your comfort zone.  New experiences are life. Live deeply.

Be who you are:

What are your dreams? Your goals? Your loves? Who are you? Be that person..

Let Go of the Past:

The past is good for two things: the happy memories, and the lessons it provides. Forgive. Let go. Be here now, and go forward.

Be Kind:

Recall those many times where you made mistakes, where you reacted out of negative emotions instead of responding from who you really are. Recall how you felt, or how you would have felt, if others responded to your mistakes with kindness instead of harsh criticism or a cold shoulder. Empathize, and choose to be kind.

Be responsible for yourself:

Whatever happens, only one person is responsible for how you respond to it: you.. You wish others were a certain way? You wish the world were a certain way? Be the example.

Nurture relationships:

Think of your most joyful moments. Think of all you have learned. Think of what has helped you grow. Chances are great these all involve other people, and other relations such as pets and nature too. You can choose to be lonely, but you are never alone.

Recognize all you have and be grateful for it:

If you are alive, if you can read this, if you can walk, talk, see, smell, taste, or feel, you are fortunate. Focus on all that you do have. Be grateful to be great.

Do what inspires you:

Painting, singing, writing, biking, swimming, gardening, reading, dancing, walking-what is your flame? What ignites you, inspires you, enlightens you, restores your life? Do it, and do it often.

Remember that happiness is a state, not a circumstance:

Happiness is a state of being, not merely a moment of pleasure or joy. By committing to your happiness you acknowledge and accept that there will be times of challenge and suffering, but by staying true to who you are you will not just endure but thrive.

by Brian Vaszily, Founder of